
Date of birth : 23 September 1982

Place of birth : Seremban, N. Sembilan

Status : Married

Sibling : Seven (7)

Occupation : Teacher (PPPS)

Husband : Wan Aznulfaizal bin Wan Endut

Son : Wan Adam Naufal bin Wan Aznulfaizal

Hobbies : Surfing, Tidy Up My House, Listening Music, and what ever can release my tension..

Philosophy : Nothing is imposibble if we try to get it earnestly & conscientiously~ we can't easily get something if we're not try to make it happen~wait & see is not a right  way to reach something unless we're not intend to achieve it..

memori di SAFA College..petang2 lepas ngaja layang scrabble ngan geng2 SAFA...